Confidently Protect & Scale Your Law Firm

*To Scale your Law Firm is the goal for every attorney on the block, but you can’t get it done without the proper protections and systems in place* Meet Crystal Potts. Crystal owns and operates two businesses – she is the founder of Potts Legal as well as The Systems Edit. Potts Legal is a law firm that […]
How to Create Clarity in Your Business

Clarity in business is a goal attorneys and business owners should continually strive for in their careers. Business clarity ensures advancement in your marketing, business plans, finances, social media relationships, and more. What does clarity in business really mean? Why is business clarity important? Having a full grasp on your business is one of the […]
The 4 C’s for Attorneys

The 4 C’s for attorneys is much the same as the 4 C’s for grading diamonds. Consistency, clarity, community, and conversion are strong characteristics law firms need to become high-quality, top-ranking industry leaders. Mastering the art of a successful law firm requires infinite hours of hard work and dedication. Cutting your company into multiple facets […]
Completing a Competitive Marketing Analysis for an Estate Planning Firm

Completing a Competitive Marketing Analysis for Your Estate Planning Firm Competitive marketing analysis will help identify where your estate planning firm stands against its competitors. A market analysis will give direct insight into your company’s and competitors strengths and weaknesses. From there, your business can develop a marketing blueprint that can help your business grow […]
5 Ethical Mistakes Your Law Firm is Making on Social Media

Social media can be a powerhouse for attorneys, providing endless opportunities for networking, relationship building, and referrals. However, if you’re not careful, your law firm could run into issues w/ ethical obligations thereby ruining your reputation. Keep on top of these 5 Ethical Mistakes Your Firm is Making on Social Media to make sure your […]
8 Tech Tools for Attorneys

8 Tech Tools for Attorneys Launching your own law firm is hard enough, especially if you’re going at without the help of an assistant or paralegal. In this day and age, new lawyers have the luxury of technology at their fingertips; however, deciphering which apps and software will improve a new law firm is a […]
Building a Law Firm You Believe In

Building a Law Firm You Believe In You‘re a success. You finally made it through law school and passed the bar. Now what? Get started on building a law firm you believe in. Sure you can join an already established law firm, starting from the bottom with the hopes of eventually making partner, but if […]