Marketing Your Small Law Firm: How to Stand Out in a Crowded Market

Consider this question.  When clients search for a law firm to argue their case, why should they choose yours instead of a competitor’s? Do you offer exceptional value for money? Do you boast a high success rate when it comes to winning cases for your clients? Do your lawyers have the knowledge and expertise that […]

Family Law SEO: Mastering On-Page and Off-Page Techniques for Success

In today’s digital world, having a strong online presence is crucial for family law firms to attract new clients and stay competitive.  With 93% of online experiences beginning with a search engine, optimizing your family law firm’s website for search engines is more important than ever.  And let’s be real, every time you go to […]

How to Stand Out in the Competitive World of Family Law Marketing

Retail brands have almost unlimited tools at their disposal to stand out from competitors.  For law firms, it’s a little different.  In Family Law Marketing, while creating a unique brand voice can help you stand out from the crowd, it’s also crucial that you maintain a professional reputation and avoid content that’s too playful. Building […]

Lawyer Website Mistakes and How to Fix Them

lawyer website mistakes and how to fix them hero image with woman in the background holding her forehead in frustration

⅓ of prospective clients vet their attorneys online before choosing who to hire.  Lawyer websites make the first impression for these prospects and should: 74% of visitors to lawyer websites are ready to take action. Don’t miss out on this business because your website doesn’t make a good first impression.  Is your firm making these […]

The Influence of Community on Your Law Firm

*Your business community is the backbone of your law firm. It builds morale, offers support, and drives you company to new clientele* Growing your business is at the forefront of every small business owner’s mind. Refining a business community, building an online presence, and establishing a positive rapport within your local community are all major […]

Confidently Protect & Scale Your Law Firm

*To Scale your Law Firm is the goal for every attorney on the block, but you can’t get it done without the proper protections and systems in place* Meet Crystal Potts. Crystal owns and operates two businesses – she is the founder of Potts Legal as well as The Systems Edit. Potts Legal is a law firm that […]

How to Create Clarity in Your Business

Clarity in business is a goal attorneys and business owners should continually strive for in their careers.  Business clarity ensures advancement in your marketing, business plans, finances, social media relationships, and more.  What does clarity in business really mean?  Why is business clarity important?  Having a full grasp on your business is one of the […]

How Brand Consistency Benefits Your Law Firm

Strong brand consistency is key to creating a top-ranking law firm in today’s legal landscape.   Building a long-lasting, recognizable brand can seem difficult at first, but through consistent actions, your law firm can soon become a household name.  What is brand consistency?  Brand consistency is more than your business’ logo, tagline, website, and branding colors. […]

The 4 C’s for Attorneys

The 4 C’s for attorneys is much the same as the 4 C’s for grading diamonds. Consistency, clarity, community, and conversion are strong characteristics law firms need to become high-quality, top-ranking industry leaders.  Mastering the art of a successful law firm requires infinite hours of hard work and dedication. Cutting your company into multiple facets […]

Completing a Competitive Marketing Analysis for an Estate Planning Firm

Completing a Competitive Marketing Analysis for Your Estate Planning Firm Competitive marketing analysis will help identify where your estate planning firm stands against its competitors. A market analysis will give direct insight into your company’s and competitors strengths and weaknesses. From there, your business can develop a marketing blueprint that can help your business grow […]