Why Your Law Firm Needs a YouTube Marketing Agency: A Comprehensive Guide

When you’re marketing your legal firm, a thought constantly lingering in the back of your mind is, ‘how do I differentiate myself from competitors?’

While retail brands can create a super playful persona that helps them stand out from the crowd, law firms have to be careful not to jeopardize their reputation for professionalism. 

So how do you separate yourself from the competition and create a stronger connection with prospective clients? 


While it might not be the first marketing platform that comes to mind when you think about your advertising strategy, this global video platform can be just what your firm needs to give it an edge over competitors. 

Moreover, video content is everywhere these days and is one of the best ways to connect with new prospects and leads.

New to YouTube? No problem. Allow an expert YouTube marketing agency to do the work for you. 

Here’s why using this popular social media platform (with the help of the pros) can be such a game changer for your firm. 

You add value to your audience’s lives

Sure, a significant chunk of your marketing should go towards convincing prospective clients to work with you. 

But consumers can quickly get sick of the hard sell, and they’ll be less likely to visit your platforms and site if they don’t feel like they’re getting genuine value from doing so. 

Instead, make sure you both sell the benefits of working with your firm and also add genuine value to your client base. 

Videos that advise clients on how to deal with a tricky divorce or what information you need for an employment tribunal, for example, will not only prove that your firm knows its stuff, but you’ll also genuinely benefit your client’s lives, making them more likely to trust your services. 

You can reach a wider audience

Whether you decide to launch YouTube ads, create YouTube videos, or a mix of the two, doing so will broaden your reach and attract clients that may not have otherwise heard of you. 

After all, an impressive 70% of people have purchased after seeing a brand on YouTube, so the power of the humble YouTube ad is pretty persuasive. 

In a way, YouTube is a search engine all of its own – the second biggest on the internet, in fact. Users flock to the video platform to find information or advice on various issues, and you can make your legal firm the go-to. 

You can catch prospective clients at every stage of the marketing funnel

With many traditional ads, you’re restricted in part to the stage of the marketing funnel you can target. With a YouTube channel, on the other hand, you can make videos that target viewers at every different stage of the funnel. 

At the top of the funnel, you’ll have prospective clients that are completely unfamiliar with your business. 

For this stage of the funnel, you’ll want to make videos with as broad an appeal as possible for all different types of people. Generalized content and YouTube shorts work well for this. 

People at the middle of the funnel may have already determined that they need the help of a legal firm (or are currently evaluating it), but they’re shopping around to find the right one. How-to videos or videos that advise on how to pick the right firm work well for this stage. 

At the bottom of the funnel are people who have determined they need a lawyer and are considering your legal firm. Videos that support people going through legal proceedings or give more information about the firm itself work well in this instance. 

You take an expert approach

If you’re new to YouTube marketing and don’t know how your strategy should look, working with a specialist agency can be a game-changer. 

Rather than guesswork or throwing ideas at the wall and hoping they stick, you can take a data-driven approach with an agency that knows your industry inside out. 

It’s worth opting for a firm specializing in the legal sector. That way, they’ll already know all about your sector and understand the right approach to take to finding clients. 

Not to mention, working with a YouTube marketing agency for lawyers saves you valuable time. Honing a marketing strategy isn’t a few hours’ work or an afterthought – it’s a long-term investment that’s best carried out by an expert professional. 

You gain a competitive advantage

You know who isn’t using YouTube to promote their businesses? Your competitors. 

While 51% of consumers plan on spending more time on YouTube, only 35% of companies plan on increasing their YouTube marketing, giving you a chance to come in and scoop up the clients. 

Level Up Your Marketing Game with YouTube 

If you want to stand out from the crowd and reach a wide audience, using YouTube to your advantage is a must. 

Here at Lawsome Digital, there’s nothing we don’t know about marketing legal services. For an approach tailored to your organization and target audience, get in touch today and see how we can transform your firm’s success. 


How do I promote my small law firm?

Promoting a small law firm works much the same as a larger firm. You’ll need a long-term approach tailored to your organization, values, and target audience. 

Widen your reach by making accounts across all social media platforms and using SEO to your advantage. 

Once you’ve attracted your target audience to your pages, convert them into paying clients by creating high-quality content that cements your status as a professional, successful firm. 

How is YouTube useful for marketing?

With over 2.5 billion monthly active users, YouTube is a go-to destination for people seeking more information about a particular topic. 

By having your business appear on YouTube either with videos, ads, or both, you’ll tap into a market that you might not otherwise have access to. 

Creating YouTube videos can add genuine value to your prospective clients, which helps you build trust and makes them more likely to choose you as their legal firm of choice.